Martial arts can help increase self esteem

enrolling your child in a martial arts class doesn't just comfort them with good feelings. It also challenges them. Every martial art is different but the objectives are similar, push yourself to be the best you can be and help those around you do the same. The mixture of helping/receiving help from others around you while you strive to reach your own personal goal is one the most fulfilling feelings and can boost your self-esteem tremendously.
Coming from a martial arts background, I can personally say that my parent's decision to enroll me in that after-school karate class in second grade was one of their best decisions. I can still remember that feeling I had when my Sensei put that yellow stripe on my white belt. I was no longer afraid of that homework assignment that needed to be done, no longer afraid of that bully at lunch, and I definitely wasn't afraid to test myself with new challenges, a testament that ultimately became one of the foundations of my life.
Martial arts can positively influence behavior

I am going to put a link to a short video into this text right HERE. Watch the video and tell me if you see any of the kids in the back laughing at the boy's struggle as he tries to break the board in half. These little boys are a perfect example of humility and empathy. They know how hard it is to break that board because they had to do the same, so instead of ridiculing the boy for crying, they commiserate with him. This is not a rare sight in a Karate Dojo. Kids learn from martial arts what some adults still fail to realize, and that is that we were all put on this planet together as one and we all go through trials and tribulations. The sooner we realize that the sooner we can start treating people like we would ourselves and create a better environment for everyone.
Martial arts teaches kids how to protect themselves
Did you know that 800,000 kids are reported missing each year? That means every 40 seconds a child is reported missing or is abducted. Children are perfect targets for predators because of their small stature and lack of good decision making. Some kids may be physically taken against their will and some may be tricked into going somewhere they shouldn't be. One of the best ways to prevent your child from falling victim to this situation is by getting them trained in martial arts
this escalated quickly |
Having proficient self-defense training can be the difference between life and death in some situations. People have been able to escape terrible situations where most people would be completely vulnerable because of their training and knowledge of how to get out of certain grips and or dodge certain attacks. You may be thinking getting out of dangerous situations with martial arts training is something that only happens in the movies, but you're wrong. The Israel defense force practices a martial art called Krav Maga specifically for combating life-threatening situations. Krav Maga is a hybrid martial art with a mixture of boxing, wrestling, aikido, karate, and judo. This military defense system has proved its legitimacy time and time again on the battlefield.
The soldiers in the Israel defense forces are not the only ones capable of defending themselves with the knowledge of martial arts. August 30th, 2017 in Atlanta, Georgia, a 10-year-old boy Sebastian Solache was almost kidnapped in front of his house when a man tried to grab him from behind and drag him to the back of his neighbor's house. What this kidnapper failed to realize was that Sebastian has been training in karate. When Sebastian felt the kidnapper grab him he wisely slammed his elbows into his ribs and ran away. Thankfully this boy was trained and prepared for this situation because there is no telling what this kidnappers intentions were.
As important as self-defense is it's not the only reason why martial arts can save a child's life. Some of the key aspects of martial arts training are awareness, used to evade attacks, and quick but accurate decision making, for knowing when or when not to attack the opponent. These traits can make a big difference when a kidnapper approaches a child. Instead of the child making a foolish decision by waiting for the kidnapper to get to close or being conned into doing something that is not in their best interest, they will use their awareness and decision making skills to avoid the situation.
Give your child the chance to build their confidence, skills, strength, and awareness they need to protect themselves from a dangerous situation and enroll them in a martial arts class near you.
Martial arts training can help solve childhood obesity
The cause of gaining weight is simple. If there are more calories consumed than calories burned, those calories will turn into fat, causing weight gain. Martial arts such as Taekwondo, Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu, wrestling, boxing, kickboxing, and MMA are some the best activities for burning calories. Each individual is different and burns various amounts of calories based on age, weight, metabolism, etc. But here is a guide to give you a general idea of the number of calories burned in each activity.
Type of Activity
Calories burned per hour
per pound of body weight
Basketball (shooting around)
Boxing (Bag Work)
Boxing (Sparring)
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (light)
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (Intense)
Calisthenics (push ups, sit ups etc)
Circuit training
Cycling ( med pace)
Jump rope (medium)
Jump rope (fast)
Kick Boxing
Rowing machine (light)
Running (fast mile)
Running (Jog)
Running Stairs
Stairmaster machine
Stretching (Yoga) light
Swimming (med pace)
Weightlifting (light)
Weightlifting (intense)
Wrestling (light practice)
Wrestling (competition)
Close to 300-500/hr calories in 5 mins Pace cannot be maintained for an entire hour
To determine your approximate calories burned, you need to multiply the number of calories burned per hour by your body weight.
If you or your child are struggling with excess weight you should look into training in a martial art.
Kids should always be encouraged to take part in physical activities. martial arts classes for kids are very beneficial to teach them discipline, team work and self defense.